
发布时间:2023-07-28 责任编辑:wukan 

名称 第一作者 发表时间 发表刊物
基于景观基因理论的红色旅游资源三维数字化呈现——以清水塘毛泽东杨开慧故居为例 詹琳 2022-07-01 旅游学刊
Forecasting monthly copper price: A comparative study of various   machine learning-based methods 张红 2022-06-09 Resources   Policy
Comprehensive efficiency evaluation of social responsibility of   Chinese listed logistics enterprises based on DEA-Malmquist model 全春光 2022-03-01 Operations   Management Research
knowledge activities of external knowledge network and technological capabolity: evidence from   China 詹湘东 2022-02-07 Journal   of the knowledge economy
资源保存理论在组织行为学中的应用:演变与挑战 廖化化 2022-02-01 心理科学进展
Economic policy uncertainty, resource endowments and industrial   structure transformation 叶芳羽 2022-01-21 Journal   of the Asia Pacific Economy
Optimization of the Milk-run route for inbound logistics of auto   parts under low-carbon economy 全春光 2021-12-10 Journal   of Algorithms & Computational Technology
Trading strategy of structured mutual fund based on deep   learning network 陈皎 2021-11-30 Expert   Systems with Applications
Mental Health Literacy Levels of Medical Staff in China: An   Assessment Based on a Meta-Analysis 郭生豫 2021-11-05 Frontiers   in psychiatry
“认知—情感—整体”三维视角下的遗产旅游地形象感知研究——以湘江古镇群为例 李勇 2021-10-15 人文地理
Which social media posts generate the most buzz?Evidence from   WeChat 佘杰 2021-09-30 Internet   Research
Depression and Coping Styles of College Students in China During   COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systemic Review and meta-Analysis 郭生豫 2021-07-29 Frontiers   in psychiatry
知识替代性和互补性对企业新产品开发数量的影响 陈培祯 2021-07-20 管理科学
Proposing two novel hybrid intelligence models for forecasting   copper price based on extreme learning   machine and meta-heuristic algorithms 张红 2021-06-10 Resources   Policy
文化记忆视角下湖南省非遗传承人 特色信息库建设路径研究 李勇 2021-05-25 图书馆学研究
The Dynamic Impact of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditures and Gross   Agricultural Output on Poverty Reduction A VAR Model Analysis 曾广录 2021-05-21 Sustainability
城市社会网络嵌入对农民工返乡创业意愿的影响——基于结构与关系双维度嵌入的实证分析 李海波 2021-04-27 城市问题
Multisource evidence theory-based fraud risk assessment of   China's listed companies 邱实 2021-04-26 Journal   of Forecasting
沉浸理念下的档案信息服务研究 杨万欢 2021-02-28 档案学研究
乡村劳动力要素变动与耕地利用转型 廖柳文 2021-02-26 经济地理
基于农户利用效率的平原和山区耕地利用形态比较 廖柳文 2021-02-09 地理学报

